SanDisk Ultra 32GB microSDHC UHS-I Card with Adapter – 98MB/s U1 A1 – SDSQUAR-032G-GN6MA
Original price was: $16.99.$15.43Current price is: $15.43.
Last updated on March 12, 2025 10:26 pm Details
- Ideal for Android-based smartphones and tablets
- Transfer read speeds of up to 98MB/s (Based on internal testing; performance may be lower depending on host device, interface, usage conditions and other factors.)
- Rated A1 for faster app performance (Results may vary based on host device, app type and other factors.)
- UHS Speed Class U1 and Speed Class 10 for Full HD video recording and playback (Full HD (1920×1080) video support may vary based upon host device, file attributes, and other factors.)
- Shockproof, temperature-proof, waterproof, and X-ray-proof (Card only)
- 10-year limited manufacturer warranty
Specification: SanDisk Ultra 32GB microSDHC UHS-I Card with Adapter – 98MB/s U1 A1 – SDSQUAR-032G-GN6MA
13 reviews for SanDisk Ultra 32GB microSDHC UHS-I Card with Adapter – 98MB/s U1 A1 – SDSQUAR-032G-GN6MA
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SanDisk Ultra 32GB microSDHC UHS-I Card with Adapter – 98MB/s U1 A1 – SDSQUAR-032G-GN6MA
Original price was: $16.99.$15.43Current price is: $15.43.
brandon marino –
You can see from the screenshot I linked. The sd card starts corrupting data at 32gbs. This card is clearly a rebranded 32gb card with a false reporting controller. Be careful, test your cards.
Grahame E, Surrey –
I recently bought a NextBase DashCam to replace an old camera that had failed, I put my memory card from my old camera into the Nextbase one but I was having some odd issues with it that I reported to NextBase. They identified that the memory card I was using was the reason I was having issues and recommended a SanDisk product.
I ordered this card and it has been the solution to the issues I had, my DashCam now works faultlessly.
The card arrived next day and was shipped with a Micro SD card adapter.
The old card is a SanDisk but was not one that could write data at the speeds the dashcam uses.
Overall have had and will continue to use SanDisk drives they have always been reliable and trustworthy, I have had Kingston and Samsung disks that have failed and lost data, never had an issue like this with SanDisk.
MH –
Class A1 pour une lecture rapide et ouverture des apps plus réactive sur smartphone. Le problème est que j’ai reçue une copie (fake) au lieu de l’originale. Sur l’original, l’opercule de sécurité est blanc, pas transparent et l’adaptateur SD n’a pas de relief (comme montré sur la page de l’article). En copie, les deux photos prises du produit reçu ainsi que la capture de l’adaptateur SD sur la page produit. Le SC Amazon m’envoie une nouvelle Micro SD et devrait investiguer le problème (merci à eux).
Apple Pie –
A lot of people received fake SD cards out there, so I’m lucky I got a genuine one. Paired this with my Surface Go and I can transfer files and watch videos with no errors or any distortion occurring.
H2testw says read/write speed is 62.8 and 37.8 Mb/s, which is far below Sandisk’s claim of 90 Mb/s. Also, if you have the 200 GB card the actual usable space will be 183 GB.
Josh Levinson –
Been using SanDisk for years now, and it’s the only brand I trust (after having had a couple negative incidents with the other major brand).
I use these microSD cards mainly for home security cameras, my phone, and my drone. They have served me very well and reliably in all these cases.
Even though the write speed on this card is only about 15-20 MB/s, that seems to be sufficient for all the uses I mentioned above (and my drone records in 4k 30fps, at a bit rate of about 60 Mbps).
Dhj –
I had good experiences with SanDisk products in the past, but I will be buying other brands from now on.
I purchased a 128gb card for use with my Samsung S7. One of the main functions I need, is the ability to transfer files to and from my laptop at home.
With my old 64gb SanDisk card, my laptop and phone both had no problems working with the card, but for some reason, the 128gb card never worked (it kept giving a “Catastrophic Failure” error message when I attempted to transfer files to the card).
A replacement card also failed in the exact same way.
Thinking it might have been my laptop or phone, I purchased a Samsung memory card as a test. Lo and behold, it worked perfectly on the first try, leading me to believe that the 128gb SanDisk cards were the problem, and not my hardware. Definitely will not be purchasing from SanDisk again.
Antecessor –
Adquirí esta tarjeta por tener la mejor relación capacidad/precio, entre las tarjetas de marca fiable, que encontré: 64 GB por 19,90 € en julio de 2018. A lo largo del tiempo he ido descartando alguna marcas de tarjetas (marcas que serán muy buenas en móviles pero poco fiables en esto) por problemas de corrupción y pérdida de datos recurrentes, en varias unidades. Esto no me ha pasado nunca ni con Kingston ni con Sandisk, son las dos marcas en las que confío y entre las que selecciono por simple criterio de capacidad, velocidad y precio.
Sobre velocidad de escritura para el uso general la de esta tarjeta es más que suficiente, Cl. 10 y U1, que garantiza el uso en grabación de video FHD. En mi caso no era una prioridad, de las dos tarjetas que he comprado una va en un móvil y la otra en un lector de mp3, prima más la capacidad que la velocidad (entendiendo que es suficiente para estos usos). Una mayor velocidad puede ser crítica si utilizamos una cámara réflex o de alta gama tirando fotos a ráfagas en formato RAW, o en usos más triviales, cuando queremos cargar pelis para ver en una tablet con frecuencia y no tenemos mucha paciencia esperando a que se tranfieran GB de datos.
Aprovecho para aclarar qué significan las cifras sobre velocidad que suelen aparecer en estas tarjetas:
· El 10 dentro de una C (clase 10) es la velocidad de escritura en MB/s, en este caso 10 MB/s. Típicamente se han encontrado clases 2, 4, 6, 8 y 10. Hoy en día casi todo lo que está a la venta es Clase 10, como se ha dicho el estándar exigible para grabar vídeo en Full HD en nuestra cámara o móvil. No hay clases superiores por esta clasificación. A esta velocidad de grabación pasar a la tarjeta una película HD en mkv de unos 2,5 GB nos llevará aproximadamente 4 minutos.
· El 1 dentro de una U significa que es UHS Speed Class 1. Esta cifra es un múltiplo de la referencia Clase 10, por tanto 1 x 10 MB/S. Se utiliza en tarjetas SDHC y SDXC, con un estándar diferente que sólo está activo cuando se conecta en un dispositivo de lectura-escritura compatible que permite mayores velocidades, múltiplos de la de referencia Cl. 10. Si en una tarjeta tuviéramos un 3 dentro de la U, ésta garantizaría 3 x 10 MB/s, por tantto 30 MB/s. En ese caso la misma película tardaría en pasarse aproximandamente 1 minuto 20 segundos.
Con esta Clase 10 U-1 en uso no he pasado de 10 MB/s, pero se ha mantenido muy cerca de éstos de forma sostenida. Es lo que promete el estándar con el que se vende y no se puede exigir más. En el blister se prometen 100 MB/s. Puede que los consiga en ciertas condiciones o con ciertos dispositivos de escritura que tengan el estándar “A1” que también vemos impreso en la tarjeta y que ya no es tan estándar, pero en en el caso general no se conseguirá.
El formato de serie es exFAT, la variante de FAT32 que permite archivos de más de 4 GB. Puede que el móvil de algún usuario no lo soporte. Basta con formatearla en un PC a FAT32.
De momento funciona muy bien. Si falla lo reportaré aquí mismo y corregiré mi valoración. Para uso general en teléfonos y grabar video FHD es una elección estupenda. Quien quiera utilizarla para grabar vídeo 4K seguramente no tenga problemas, pero quizás debería buscar una UHS Speed Class 3 (un 3 en la U) para asegurarse.
Aparte de comentar el producto, veo comentarios que hacen dudar sobre la autenticidad de la tarjeta, parece que algún comprador ha recibido productos que no son exactamente el esperado.
Cuando ocurre algo así, es útil que los comentarios identifiquen el vendedor al que se ha adquirido el producto, lo que permite esquivarlo en la compra de otros usuarios. Recomiendo de todas formas seleccionar siempre vendedores con buena valoración, 5* y respaldada por muchas valoraciones, y en caso de duda, adquirir a Amazon directamente.
For those wondering, Yes! It will work in the Nintendo Switch I got mine on sale and it works fine and wasn’t fake (I know recently there have been some fakes going around) the only reason I did not give the 5* rating is because 128GB turns to about 190 which is sad but that’s normally how these things go with memory. Also very easy to install as it goes in the bottom where the Switch stand is open the flap on the back and stick it in she says…. not sorry
Jeffrey Fahndrich –
Top card doesn’t work / Bottom card works. Bought the top card June 18 2018 for a Nintendo Switch and the games would download to 99% and then suddenly I’d get an error. When these cards went on sale recently I bought a new one just to see if it was the card. I could not BELIEVE how different the fonts were! Check out photo. Also the color of the bad card is off (slightly more purple and less red). Sure enough, I was able to download games to the new card without incident. The real product works great but I just can’t justify giving 5 stars when I had this experience. Buyer beware!
Marty –
Ordered another card to replace the returned fake one. This one tested ok. Lots of fakes out there so always test your cards with an app like “SD Insight” to make sure you have a legit card. You’ll save yourself a lot of grief In the long run.
Third one of these I’ve purchased. First two tested ok with info about manufacturer, ser #, size and manufacture date ect provided when tested. This card tested with the result of “invalid card” with no info about the card provided. Pretty sure it’s a fake. Returned and will try another one.
Rahul K. –
Definitely Sandisk… My first 32gb samsumg memory card is corrupted in two months, and the Sandisk is far away from it. I’m using this memory card from last year and it’s working as mentioned.
M. Savard –
I’ve purchased this card to extend my Nintendo Switch space and it works well! Formatted in extFAT, run the firmware version 5.1.0 on your Switch and absolutely no problem. However, you don’t really get 400GB. In fact, it’s more 366GB, which is normal in Windows environment. Just in case it would have been a fake, I’ve ran the H2testw test to check everything and it’s a legit card. Very please with my purchase.
C –
I am very disappointed in this product. I purchased it because there were many decent reviews on them. However, the microSD card only worked for a few months, then became corrupted and unusable for any device (dash cam, camera, phone, etc.). I contacted SanDisk customer support to get an RMA and they informed me the following:
“Please be informed that we have received the pictures of your memory card and we have reviewed them. We regret to inform you that as per the pictures which you have sent, this memory card is not an authentic SanDisk® brand retail product. We would request you to contact the place of purchase for the replacement of this card.”
When I first purchased the product, it was twice the price as it is listed right now…